Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Here is the other one of Miya and Zander.. I dont know why it got out of place.. haha still so cute!

Me and Tanner

Again.. :)

Parker and Lexi! so cute

Love them!

this picture cracks me up!

Tannis and Tommmy

SO cute!
Miya and Zander! they were So funny

Lindsay and dallin! Such a CUTE picture


So Yesterday was WINTER FORMAL! SOOO FUN. It started out with our tradition of a sleepover at Lindsays house the night before with the girls! We had a blast all night! Then at 8:00 we had breakfast, made sure everything was ready, and got ready. We picked up our dates at 11:00 and were off to the mall. We did a picture scavenger hunt which was so fun, and hopefully soon i will be able to put pics of that on here. After that we got pizza and went down town to eat (on a street corner(that wasnt planned) haha. And then we took really fun pictures with the statues and at the mesa arts center. It was WAY cheap :) and SO fun! So we took the boys home, and then got ready. At 6:00 we did PICTURES (what these are from) at Val Vista Lakes. and my WONDERFUL sister Kylie who is amazing a photograpy took them. Her camera fell over because of the wind and basically got destroyed so we didnt get a group picture (we took one at the school) But her camera is under warranty so it will be fixed! THANKS KY! Then we went to CHARLSTONS to eat dinner which was DELICIOUS!!! that was so fun, and next we were off to the dance. Lexi was noninated PRINCESS and totally deserved it! It was so fun. After the dance we came back to my house for Krispy Kreme doughnuts, hot chocolate. and we wated a video of our pictures throughout the day and these ones, that kylie put together for us while we were gone! So nice. Then we watched a movie and went home! All in all it was SOOO fun and Tanner thanks for being such a fun date!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

SORRY.. Here is an update of the last few weeks!

Riding horses in the Desert, we (Jeff and I) had just got back and my mom was like wait dont get off I want a picture.. so thats why im next to the trailor! :)
Desiree, Me, and Kelci! I love them!

Loni, i think Crue, Walker, and Me riding the golf cart!

Sweet baby parker with his new brother!!

My mom said it looks like Ryler is going RRAAWWRR with his hands up to scare Parker. haha

At the hospital!
Happy Birthday GRANNY!!!! granny with some of her GREAT GRANDKIDS!! WOW

cute Ryler again.. i love this boy!

I went and saw him after my choir concert!
Me and Jeff at my concert!
THANKSGIVING!! The Littles came down for the weekend and it was so fun here at the "BRINTON HOTEL" with all them here!! I love when they are down, and i wish they didnt leave.. :( We had a really fun day at the DESERT as usual with all the family riding horses, golf carts, eating food, fire, and all that fun stuff!
- I asked TANNER JONES to WiNtEr FoRmAl!! It is this Saturday, so after you will see lots of pictures!
- December 2nd, I got a new NEPHEW!! Staci (my sister) had her baby RYLER SHANE ALLEN, and was in the hospital for less then 45 minutes before she had him! Way to go stack.. hopefully i will be like you :) by the way, Ryler is PERFECT and SO CUTE!
- Dec. 2nd, I also had my choir concert which went really well!

- December 2nd, Also GRANNYS BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday to the most amazing person i know! She is unbelievably amazing, and im so glad she is in our family!

- December 6th, BREAKFAST with SANTA! Its an amazing thing that MESA HIGH does, where they provide CHRISTMAS for 50 families who wouldn't otherwise be able to have it! Its such a neat thing, Friday night me and my friends were at Mesa until 9:30 at night setting up, and we even left before some people. And Saturday Tannis and I got there a little after 7. It was SO FUN playing with the little kids while the parents went into the back rooms and went "shopping" for what they needed. although nothing cost money.. obviously. It was so neat to see the families reactions. They were so happy, and the kids were so cute!
-December 7th. VESPERS! I wish I had pictures of this, because it was amazing! It was our "Christmas" concert that Mesa high puts on, but its only with AcCapella and Chamber choirs. Its such a neat thing, and a great way to feel the spirit!
I think that's about it.. Our volleyball team made it to STATE this year. But we got out in the first round against Gilbert. It was still a lot of fun, and now I'm playing club!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alright Tan tagged me.. here are some Random Facts about me:

1. For Christmas, I like BLUE AND WHITE better then RED and GREEN

2. I love love love TRAVELING!! and CHICAGO is my favorite place to go, although I really want to go to CHINA

3. I hate cockroaches more then scorpions, or any other insect

4. I can pop my hip out of place!

5. I love QT, and I get YELLOW Gatorade every time I go there, and if I do get Horchata I always save half for my brother, and he does the same for me!

6. I love drawing and painting, but wish I was really good at it.

7. I LLLLOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEE FOOD!! (thank goodness for sports or i would be fat!)

8. Oh and in case you didn't know, I have THE GREATEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD. no joke!

9. I LOVE the Christmas lights at the TEMPLE!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Kolter and Courtney!
Tannis and Brandon!

Lindsay and Booty (Robert)!

We had a DELICIOUS dinner at the Kings house (my dates house) and it was set up so cute!!

The girls, Lindsay, Tannis, Courtney, and Me :D

The Boys Kolter, Brandon, Booty, and Dallin!! :D

AW!!!! everyone looks so cute, and yes, booty (far right) is standing on the fireplace! haha

Me and Dallin!!! what a stud huh!

This was seriously SO fun!! So, Friday night the girls had a sleepover at Lindsays house and it was a blast just being crazy and spending time together! Then Saturday morning the boys picked us up at 8:00 and we went quading! (sorry i dont have any pics of quading) Brandons dad Brother Ray and his friend Brother Goodman went with us! we had 5 quads and 1 dirt bike, brother Rays quad broke, Booty and Lindsays quad broke, and Brandon and Tannis Flipped their quad (scary!) so it broke. Me and Dallin were riding right by them so we were able to be right there and help when it happened, Tannis is alright, she has some scrapes on each knee, and brandon will be okay, he is on crutches right now, his left leg got hurt pretty bad. but he should be better in a few weeks, luckily we said a prayer before we started because they should have been hurt a lot worse then they were! anyways, so by the end of the day Kolter and Courtneys quad worked and Our quad worked (and bro. Goodmans dirtbike) dont get me wrong, everyones quads worked for a while and one by on they broke, so we all did get to go for a long time! and brandon and Tannis flipped right at the very end, which really was good because the cars were right there! But i think me and Dallin had the most fun! haha cause pretty much everyone else had something go wrong. anyways, then we had lunch while we cleaned tannis and brandon up, packed up the quads and went home. Then the boys picked us up at 6:30 and we went to dallins house for that Delicious dinner, Steak and Salmon!! then to the dance, which was so fun. and after to Brandons house for RoOTbeEr FLoaTs! The boys could't have planned it any better! it was the funnest date i have ever been on! thank you to all the parents for all you did for us, for the boys for making our date SO amazingly fun. and for DALLIN for being such a FUN date!!!!!!!!

girls camp!!

these are the cute girls that were in the hotel room wiht me and rachel (we were YCL's)
Our skit group! and yes.. i have a diaper on my head :P

We went repelling!!! it was sooo fun and not that hard at all! thanks Bishop and bro. Gardner!

Hannah's hair got caught aroung the 8 ring and we had to pull her back up the mountian because she couldn't move, it was an interesting event, but we didnt have to cut off her hair!

Sister Arnett, me, Sister Higgens, Sister Thornhill!!

Cant you tell certification is so fun!

everyone that went repelling minus some leaders, and no beehives (only mia maids and laurels went repelling!)

Some of the girls in our tent!

Dont mess with Aspen ward... we will beat you up!

Me and Rachel teaching CAMP SONGS!!!!! probably my favorite thing about camp

I love rachel! we had SO much fun together!!!!

Our wonderful men setting up camp for us!!

how cute!

The first night we slept at our leaders house and it was actually a lot of fun, despite it not being real camping. the second night we went to the resort, hotel and that was fun too, even though it defitnaly wasn't camping!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So.. last night (Saturday) I went to Mountain Views Homecoming! I went with Ethan Smith, long story short he wanted to go with a girl from a different school, his brothers girlfriend knows me really well, and set us up. So we hung out a few times before so it wasn't a total BLIND date. Anyways, i had a volleyball tournament all day so i got home about 4:00. We went to my sister Staci's house to do some stuff, then i had to hurry up and shower and Staci did my hair! Isn't it so cute! Thank you Staci!! (the jewelry is also hers! )
AW :)
I had SO much fun! We had dinner at his house with three others couples that his mom made and it was delicious! Then we went to the dance, and after we went to another persons house in our group to play some games! Thank you Ethan!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 and posts their names. Have fun!

5 years ago I:
1. was 11
2. was in clogging
3. was ugly
4. gave lots of hugs.. oh wait i still do!
5. played on my playhouse and trampoline A TON

5 things on tomorrow's to do list:
1. School
2. volleyball
3. Homework
4. mutual
5. Make a fruit salad for mutual

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. any chocolate
2. cookies
3. ice cream
5. anything gummy

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. give some of it away to help people
2. travel, a lot
3. save money so i never go broke
4. buy a nice house but not necessarily big
5. make sure i have a pool for this Arizona heat!

5 places I have lived:
1. My Mommy's tummy
2. My car seat
3. MY crib
4. you could probably say at mesa high
5. and of course my house
.. of course most of these places were for just months, but I'm sure i was there a lot! ha ha

I tag.. Emily, Dana, Janell, and Cortney! yes three for that blog, ha ha

Friday, August 29, 2008

Hey everyone. As of Tuesday I am going PRIVATE! so if you want to be able to read my blog send me your e-mail (or send it to my mom if you have hers and i will get it!) Thank you!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


So.. volleyball tryouts started the same day as the first day of school! And I found out on Wednesday that I MADE VARSITY!! I was so happy, and it was like a huge weight was lifted off me. I'm really excited for this season, I think we have a really good team and will do well, there are I think 8 seniors and 5 juniors on the team. And we all get along really well!! Mountain View.. get ready.. cause here we come! haha.. well I hope! :D

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Hancock! I liked it a lot
What is your favorite TV show? What Not To Wear, say yes to the dress, must love kids, dirty jobs, mythbusters, and anything else on tlc or hgtv! (or discovery)
What do you usually have for breakfast? i usually don't have any..
What is your middle name? Nichole
What food do you dislike? FISH
What is your favorite CD at moment? any of my mixes from Tan
What kind of car do you drive? which ever one i can..
Favorite sandwich? toasted sub!!
What characteristic do you despise? TWO FACED.. if your gonna say it, say it to their face
Favorite item of clothing? JEANS!!!!!
If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go? China.. or Italy!
Favorite brand of clothing? umm mudd.. really i don't care, if its cute and it fits then really why care..
What was your most recent memorable birthday? 14th.. went to school in a LIMO!
Favorite sport to watch? volleyball or football.. and sometimes baseball
When is your birthday? may 14
Are you a morning person or a night person? hmm depends.. more energy in the morning but i hate waking up
What is your shoe size? 9-10
Pets? dead.. (sorry Em)
What did you want to be when you were little? i don't know.. but like 6-10 grade i wanted to do hair
How are you today? BORED
What is your favorite candy? I'm not picky.. but i love cookies and cream Hershey's bars, and symphony (spell?) bars!
What is your favorite flower? carnation!!!!!!!!!!!
What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? august 11.. VOLLEYBALL SEASON STARTS.. as well as school
What is your favorite pastime? baking.. learning tips from my mom!
What are you listening to right now? my mom talk to Kylie
What was the last thing you ate? hot dog.. and I'm gonna have salad when I'm done with this!
Do you wish on stars? duh.. who doesn't
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? TEAL
How is the weather right now? windy and stormy.. and yet its very hot..
The first person you spoke to on the phone today? mom
Favorite soft drink? milk or water.. i guess those don't count..Gatorade.. does that count?
Favorite restaurant? MOKIS.. panda.. ahola kitchen.. cafe Rio.. taco bell.. subway!
Real hair color? brown
What was your favorite toy as a child? probably the water.. i was DARK
Summer or winter? neither.. fall!
Hugs or kisses? depends on the person
Chocolate or Vanilla? depends..
When was the last time you cried? when Tate left
What is under your bed? who knows! hahaha
What did you do last night? went swimming with my cute little niece Hallie and Mia and my nephew Powell!
What are you afraid of? the dark.. cockroaches (spell?) sharks
Salty or sweet? SWEET!
How many years at your current job? hmm being me.. that would be my whole life
Favorite day of the week? Friday
How many towns have you lived in? this one..
any nickname? Chubbs, Heidi-Ho, Hide
Mother's first name? Nanette
Tattoo? ya right
Body piercings? ears.. which my brother did not know i had, and yet he was there when i got them pierced..
How much do you love your job? well if i knew what it was i would love it
Birthplace? Mesa
Favorite vacation spot? CHICAGO
Ever been to Africa? Nope
Ever eaten cookies for dinner? oh yes!
Ever been on TV? na.. my dad does that! :D
Ever steal traffic signs? hahaha what am i like a 7th grader (not that i ever have) but no
Ever been in a car accident? nope(knock on wood)
Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? 4 door baby
Favorite salad dressing? ranch.. has to be hidden valley!!
Favorite pie? umm banana cream
Favorite number? 7.. although because of volleyball im taking favor in 16
Favorite Sport? VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite holiday? umm i don't really know
Favorite dessert? uhh i like lots of desserts
Favorite food? katsu chicken.. terraki chicken.. any chicken.. oh and Sweet pork!!
Favorite brand of body wash? sweet pea
Favorite toothpaste? umm i think we use Colgate and i like it
Favorite smell? vanilla car fresheners.. rain in the pine trees, or on the road.
What do you do to relax? draw
How do you see yourself in 10 years? hopefully married and own my own bakery!
What would you like to do that you've never done before? go to a stinkin lake.. or Disney land!
What is your favorite color? light green and brown, or light blue and brown. But by itself.. teal
What vehicle would you love to have? i don't know what kind yet.. but a TRUCK ( i know, gas guzzler) with a 4 in. lift, 20 in. rims either navy blue, yellow, white or black. king cab, with a BIG sticker on the back that says "SILLY BOYS, TRUCKS ARE FOR GIRLS" haha

Sorry for totally boring all of you.. haha

Friday, July 25, 2008

My week.. and a new found love

This week I could finally play VOLLEYBALL for the first time in almost 3 months. You can imagine how excited I was! It was so fun, we went to EXCELL camp. and From about 9-12 we had team practice.. the guy in the pic (Steve) is who our team coach was, hes from Cali! He was the COOLEST! then we had lunch for like an hour.. then from 1-3 we had position work, then we did skits (fun) after that, from 4-7 we had tourney play!! It was A BLAST.. we learned a lot. We finished Fourth out of 9 teams.. not great. but there were some amazing teams there! and we had some problems with people having to leave because of other sports.. and our setter got hurt.. so our amazing outside player filled in setting and did a great job! :D Being crazy in our hotel!
This is my new found love.. okay not really. But since I LOVE flowers.. I decided to try drawing them.. and I think for my first time I didn't do very bad? haha.. these are just a few.. :D