Friday, August 7, 2009

lots of updates.. Enjoy

The pictures aren't in any order.. very random! But this is what has been going on the past few weeks :)
VoLlEyBalL!! This is some of our team at festival. So much fun!
Me, Mia, and Powell racing to the car from the pond

Me and Brittany and Brooklyn at our family renunion

Jeff, me, my dad at the Oquirrh Mountian Temple, Utah

Ranch Trip, Jeff hookin up the water trailor.. me distracting him :P

Me and Mia at Spring valley

Papa is home!! This is about 20 minutes after he got home from being in the hospital 16 days I got taught how to give him his medicine thru his pickline :) my dad is so silly! We have to do this everyday, and I love acting like i'm a professional nurse! haha not

Poor papa in the hospital, takin a break from the bed
I Cant believe he is 8!!!!!! Mason got baptized last month, im so proud of him! He is such a good nephew, grandson, brother, son and person! He is so kind to everyone, I love you Mason!

This is the cool snake I found at the pond.. it pooped in my hand grr