Monday, February 15, 2010


Sorry no pictures, but today was way fun! Mason and Powell spent the night last night, and when i woke up this morning i got to go babysitting.. which was a blast! Then i went to tacobell and then the park with most of the nieces and nephews which was fun to play with them. After me mason parker and my mom went to walmart which i love, i dont know why but i just really like that store. And then we (mason me and parker) painted( they picked out the letter of their last name to paint for thier moms) and colored some 50 cent visors we got from wallieworld too! anyways just lots of playing at our house.. aka NO CLEANING which was AWESOME!!!! although i have to do it now... but thats okay. So then after playing with them all afternoon we went to our phelps family valentines party and i got to see the hallsteds who are my cousins that i never get to see because they live in utah, and come to find out amanda who is about a year and a half older then me is ENGAGGED!!! Im so happy for them even though im still in shock :P and Kimeree and her kiddos! and then me, moms, and pops went to singles ward fhe which was entertaing to watch! Anyways nothin real special but it was a pretty good day :D

1 comment:

Lisa said...

The girls loved hanging out with you. You are great.