Friday- date with the couch while wrapped in my blanket watching Cheaper by the dozen Two.
- some of the babies come over to swim and make me super happy
-go swim with Morgan and Johanna at morgans apartment= fun
-sleep, always good
Saturday- Help bro A move into his new house. Im glad he isnt moving out of the ward, I would miss all his stories and his cute old man smile that just lets you know he knows more then you no matter what you talk about because he has lived thru it all. Love him
-come home and hear Susan Hubers sweet voice. I know she was having a hard day, but I truly admire her so much she is such an amazing woman. I love her so much! and the whole Huber clan :D
- clean as every Saturday, and clean my much needed to be cleaned room.. and yet its still not completely clean..
- babysit Lilly, Annie and Tate! Love those kids!
-Have another date night with couch, but this time with ice cream and a movie called Derby Stallion, it has Zac Effron before he was a big star and he wasnt so cute then.. pretty good movie though. Then again I pretty much like any movie.
- sleep
Sunday - Wake up to mother telling me to wake up
-Lay in bed wanting to sleep more but I cant
- get a text from ashley reminding me we are visiting teaching in approx. 20 min
-oh no, I am teaching the lesson and I havent got a lesson to teach(yay rs message on LDS.Com)
-Go VT with Ashley, met a beautiful woman in our ward. and I mean Beautiful, like most perfect person ever anddddd the sweetest person. Im going to like vt-ing, her I think she will be a good role model for me
- shower
-go to church and love it
- come home and play with the kiddos until dinner starts.
-eat really yummy food, and home made ice cream and cake
- paint nails, becoming a sunday tradition, which I do not mind!
- watch tv with fam
- do homework
Exciting I know. I have a sweet life. and I cant wait for next weekend! The Ranch with the family :D