Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I decided I will "feature" a didfferent neice or nephew every week! here we go..


Gemma is soo cute. she alawys has the cutest smile on her face. and gets into EVERYTHING! shes quite the mess maker. and such a GIRL! she loves getting "pretty" by putting on makeup! and alawys plays with dolls, jewerly, ect. and alawys has the cutest outfits on. and is such a good helper. She alawys does what shes asked (hoefully she keeps that up!) Love you Gemmers! - by the way this is my brother Rob, and my sister in law Julies child! what great parents! and cute kid makers! they sure have 3 adorable kids!


Tannis said...

Aww she's so CUTE!!!

Staci said...

You got her right! A mess maker & such a GIRL! She is such a CUTIE!!!